KCGH-contest for applicability of global health knowledge in The Netherlands



Have you written a master's thesis or dissertation in the field of global health? And do you have a concrete idea of what the Dutch healthcare sector can gain from your thesis or dissertation? Then enter to try and win the KCGH-contest!

The prize aims to challenge master's students and PhD students to make insights from their research applicable to the Dutch health sector. Consider, for instance, a study on maternal and foetal mortality in a low-income country. Which aspects of that research are (also) relevant to the Dutch health sector? How can this knowledge be made applicable?

About the prize 

KCGH wants to contribute to the increase of knowledge. We are convinced that in exchange and interaction, new/different knowledge is created, because new possibilities are explored, thinking is 'switched on' and there is room for new discoveries and surprising insights. In order to stimulate this 'introduction', KCGH is awarding a prize to master's students and PhD students who have written a global health thesis or dissertation and have managed to make insights from it applicable to the Dutch health sector. The prize will go to the person with the best idea and consists of:

  • A sum of € 500 (master's students) and € 750 (PhD students), which can be spent on the promotion of the thesis/dissertation or on personal development. 
  • A 'Knowledge Making Session' in which the applicability of the insights to the Dutch healthcare sector is further explored together with experts. 

Participation criteria

The prize is intended for master's students and PhD students who have done research at a Dutch university in the field of global health (in the broadest sense)* between Sept 2020 - Nov 2021. Master’s and PhD theses should be submitted by Monday 1 November at the latest using the form below, accompanied by a summary of the content and an explanation of the applicability to the Dutch health sector. The assignment reads: Briefly describe your idea about how the insights from your thesis or dissertation can be applied to the Dutch health sector. The jury will assess submitted ideas based on the following criteria:

  1. There is concrete applicability in the Netherlands, starting in 2022;
  2. The idea gives a concrete interpretation/contribution to what a global perspective on health means. 

The assessment takes place in November, the announcement and award ceremony in the second week of December.

* Research internships of medical master’s students can compete for the prize for master's theses.


The jury is made up of: 

  1. Drs. Piet-Hein Buiting (Chairman of the Board of Jeroen Bosch Hospital)
  2. Drs. Roland Drieve (director International Business Ministry of VWS)
  3. Drs. Anke Tijtsma (director KCGH)
  4. Drs. Christel Jansen (principal consultant at Vintura)
  5. Prof. dr. Martin Grobusch (internist-infectiologist and head of the Centre for Tropical and Traveller Medicine AUMC)
  6. Prof. dr. Louis Niessen (professor at Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine)
  7. Prof. dr. Teun Bousema (epidemiologist RUMC)
  8. Pim de Graaf (board member KCGH)
  9. Drs. Albertine Baauw (director OIGT)

The decision of the jury is final.

Sign up

The application closing date for this first edition of the KCGH-prize was November 1, 2021. The jury will deliberate in November, and the award ceremony will be on 10 december. 

Sign in for the award ceremony. 



Kenniscentrum Global Health (KCGH)
Arthur van Schendelstraat 650
3511 MJ Utrecht

KVK 78717590


Kenniscentrum Global Health is opgericht door de NVTG en het OIGT met als doel global health kennis toegankelijk en bruikbaar maken ten behoeve van de Nederlandse gezondheidszorg.

KCGH wordt gesubsidieerd door het ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport.

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