
Elk jaar promoveren er diverse personen op het gebied van Global Health.

Op deze pagina hebben we een overzicht van de afgelopen promovendi en hun onderzoeken. Ben jij ook gepromoveerd op een Global Health onderwerp en staat jouw onderzoek hier niet tussen of ben je juist aanstaand promovendus? Stuur dan je proefschrift in een mailtje naar ofni.[antispam].@kcgh.nl. 


Fritz, M.K., Health challenges of the 21st century - empirical essays on the health and economic burden of non-communicable diseases and climate change in Southeast Asia. [University of Groningen].

  • Supervisor(s): Lensink, R.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Grimm, M.

Naar het proefschrift

Yang, X., Emphysema and lung cancer in population-based CT screening [University of Groningen].

  • Supervisor(s): de Bock, G.H.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Dorrius, M.D., Vonder, M., Du, Y.

Naar het proefschrift

Mulderij-Jansen, V.I.C. ,Preventing the next Aedes-borne arboviral disease epidemic. [University of Groningen].

  • Supervisor(s): Duits, A., Friedrich, A., Bailey, A.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Tami, A

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Lopera Maya, E.A. Using population biobanks to understand complex traits, rare diseases, and their shared genetic architecture. [University of Groningen].

  • Supervisor(s): Zhernakova, S., Wijmenga, C.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Sanna, S. Deelen, P.

Naar het proefschrift

ten Kate ten, R.L.F., Understanding loneliness among older migrants. [University of Groningen].

  • Supervisor(s): Steverink, N
  • Co-supervisor(s): Bilecen, B.

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Abrokwa, N., The right to mental health A human rights approach [University of Groningen].

  • Supervisor(s): Toebes, Brigit.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Hendriks, A.C.

Naar het proefschrift

He, Z., Risk factors for elevated blood pressure focus on perimenopausal women and potential causality. [University of Groningen].

  • Supervisor(s): Snieder, H., Thio, C., Zhang, Q.Y.
  • Co-supervisor(s): 

Naar het proefschrift

Idrus, L.R., Human immunodeficiency virus and tuberculosis infections and co-infection in limited resource settings
Quality of life, costs, challenges, and strategies for improvement. [University of Groningen].

  • Supervisor(s): Postma, M., Alffenaar, J.W.
  • Co-supervisor(s): 

Naar het proefschrift

Margineanu, I.S., Personalised approaches to improve tuberculosis care
Cutting tuberculosis’ many coats according to specific cloths. [University of Groningen].

  • Supervisor(s): Alffenaar, J.W., Stienstra, Y.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Akkerman, O.

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Wu, Y., Cancer in the media: unintended effects on prevention. [University of Groningen].

  • Supervisor(s): Dijkstra, A.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Dalley, S.

Naar het proefschrift

Wiersma, J.T.E., nlocking the key to a better life three essays on financial behavior, financial literacy and health. [University of Groningen.

  • Supervisor(s): Alessie, R.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Pin, R.

Naar het proefschrift

Beyer, M.A., Public Health Protection under International Law Bridging the Gap between Legal Regimes. [University of Groningen].

  • Supervisor(s):Toebes, B., Burci, G.L.
  • Co-supervisor(s): 

Naar het proefschrift

Venema, A.M., Towards uniform reporting of drowning. [University of Groningen].

  • Supervisor(s): Absalom, T., Wietasch, G.
  • Co-supervisor(s): 

Naar het proefschrift

Leighton, R.K., The Canadian Orthopedic Trauma Society (COTS)
Lessons learned over 30 years of world class level I orthopedic trauma studies. [University of Groningen].

  • Supervisor(s): Doornberg, J., Jaarsma, R.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Ijpma, F.

Naar het proefschrift

van der Zeijst, M.C.E., Psychotic experiences: gift or illness?
Exploring cultural and psychiatric perspectives on the ancestral calling in rural South Africa. [University of Groningen].

  • Supervisor(s): Hoek, W., Veling, W.
  • Co-supervisor(s): 

Naar het proefschrift

Doran, C.E., Evaluating the impact of long-term chikungunya disease in Curaçao. [University of Groningen].

  • Supervisor(s): Duits, A., Bailey, A.
  • Co-supervisor(s): 

Naar het proefschrift

Iskandar, D., Enhancing tuberculosis care The case for clinical pharmacy services in Indonesia. [University of Groningen].

  • Supervisor(s): van Boven, J., Postma, M.
  • Co-supervisor(s): 

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Aretz, B.M.A., Health consequences of exposure to environmental living conditions. Pathways and spatial patterns in Europe. [University of Groningen].

  • Supervisor(s): Janssen, F., Doblhammer, G., van Wissen, L.
  • Co-supervisor(s): 

Naar het proefschrift

Susanti, R.D., Kearifan Kesehatan Lokal: indigenous medical knowledge and practice for integrated nursing of the elderly with cardiovascular disease in Sumedang, West Java: towards transcultural nursing in Indonesia. [Leiden University].

  • Supervisor(s): Spaink, H.P.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Slikkerveer, L.J.

Naar het proefschrift

Vet, J.N.I.,Screening in low resource settings, towards a world without cervical cancer. [Leiden University].

  • Supervisor(s):Fleuren, G.J., Trimbos, J.B.M.Z.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Boer, M.A.

Naar het proefschrift

Amaruddin, A.I., Gut environment and socioeconomic status: a study of children in urban area of Makassar. [Leiden University].

  • Supervisor(s): Yazdanbakhsh, M.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Sartono, E., Hamid, F.

Naar het proefschrift

Yuan, L, Thromboinflammation in high-risk human populations. [Leiden University].

  • Supervisor(s): Rabelink, T.J.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Berg, B.M. van den

Naar het proefschrift
Korne, C.M. de, To IMAGE or to IMAGINE: visualization of parasite migration as a means to support (malaria) parasite vaccine development. [Leiden University].

  • Supervisor(s): Leeuwen, F.W.B. van, Roestenberg, M.
  • Co-supervisor(s): 

Naar het proefschrift
Kurniawan, F.,Urbanization in Indonesia and its impact on non-communicable diseases: a clinical, epidemiological, and immunological study. [Leiden University].

  • Supervisor(s): Yazdanbakhsh, M.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Tahapary, D.L.

Naar het proefschrift

Melisse, B., Binge-eating disorder in the Arabic world and the Netherlands, assessment, etiology, efficacy, effectiveness and economic evaluation of psychological interventions. [Leiden University].

  • Supervisor(s): Beurs, E. de, Furth, E. van
  • Co-supervisor(s): 

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Groen, J.V., Improving outcomes of pancreatic surgery. [Leiden University].

  • Supervisor(s): Hamming, J.F., Velde, C.J.H. van de
  • Co-supervisor(s): Mieog, J.S.D.

Naar het proefschrift

Bahadoer, R.R., Tailored treatment for colon and rectal cancer. [Leiden University].

  • Supervisor(s):Velde, C.J.H. van de, Hospers, G.A.P.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Peeters, K.C.M.J.

Naar het proefschrift

Song, X., Reducing the chronic disease burden in China: tailoring a self-management intervention among Chinese people with chronic lung disease [Leiden University].

  • Supervisor(s): Chavannes, N.H.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Versluis, A.Gobbens, R.J.J.

Naar het proefschrift

Vlot, J.A., Health problems and risks encountered among healthy and vulnerable Dutch travelers. [Leiden University].

  • Supervisor(s):Visser, L.G., Dissel, J.T. van
  • Co-supervisor(s): 

Naar het proefschrift

Heemelaar, Maternal health in Namibia: Lessons learned from obstetric surveillance. [Leiden University].

  • Supervisor(s): Lith, J.M.M., van; Akker, T.H. , van den; Stekelenburg, J.
  • Co-supervisor(s): 

Naar het proefschrift

Kallianidis, A.F., Maternal morbidity and mortality in the Netherlands and their association with obstetric interventions. [Leiden University].

  • Supervisor(s):Akker, T.H. van den, Lith, J.M.M. van
  • Co-supervisor(s): 

Naar het proefschrift

Faquih, Multi-omics in research: epidemiology, methodology, and advanced data analysis. [Leiden University Medical Center].

  • Supervisor(s): Wilems van Dijk, J.A.P.
  • Co-supervisor(s):Hylckama Vlies, A. van, Mook-Kanamori, D.O.

Naar het proefschrift

Teunissen, N. Improving quality of care for rare congenital malformations: Achieving standardized quality measurement and improvement through international clinical auditing [Erasmus University Rotterdam].

  • Supervisor(s): Wijnen, Rene, van Heurn, LWE,
  • Co-supervisor(s): Eaton, Simon

Naar het proefschrift

Hogenhout, R., Towards implementation of organised risk-based prostate cancer screening across Europe. [Erasmus University Rotterdam].

  • Supervisor(s): Bouts, M.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Venderbos, L.

Naar het proefschrift

Prencipe, L., Youth mental health in Tanzania: Social determinants, climate change, and the impacts of social protection. [Erasmus University Rotterdam].

  • Supervisor(s): van Lenthe, F.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Houweling, T., Palermo, T. M.

Naar het proefschrift

Mackechnie, M. Open tibia fracture management in lesser-resourced settings: Latin America. [Erasmus University Rotterdam].

  • Supervisor(s): Verhofstad, M., Miclau, T.
  • Co-supervisor(s): van Lieshout, E.

Naar het proefschrift

Murai, T. Operationalizing human rights-based-approaches: Experiences of civil society organizations advocating for the rights of men who have sex with men in Zimbabwe. [Erasmus University Rotterdam].

  • Supervisor(s): Harcourt, W.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Bergh, S., Heumann, S.

Naar het proefschrift

Arevalo, N, L. From global discourses to local realities: Girls and young women's experiences of harm post Human Papillomavirus vaccination, El Carmen de Bolívar, Colombia. [Erasmus University Rotterdam].

  • Supervisor(s): Harcourt, W.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Hutter, I.

Naar het proefschrift

Dofitas, B. Yaws in the Philippines: The rediscovery of a forgotten and neglected tropical disease. [Erasmus University Rotterdam].

  • Supervisor(s): Richardus, J, H.
  • Co-supervisor(s):Saunderson, P., Lansang, M, D.

Naar het proefschrift

Taal, A. Applying geospatial methods in leprosy prevention and control [Erasmus University Rotterdam].

  • Supervisor(s): Richardus, J, H.
  • Co-supervisor(s): van Brakel, WH., Blok, David.

Naar het proefschrift

Long, D. Titel. Measuring population health: Validity of metrics and patterns of inequality [Erasmus University Rotterdam].

  • Supervisor(s): Polinder, S.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Haagsma, J.

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Vergroesen, J., The ins and outs of open-angle Glaucoma: drugs, diet, and defecation [Erasmus University Rotterdam].

  • Supervisor(s): Klaver, C.W.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Ramdas, W.

Naar het proefschrift

Duo, D., Coping well or aging well? Elderly care and aging in Tibetan regions in western China. [Erasmus University Rotterdam].

  • Supervisor(s): Fischer, A.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Chhachhi, A.

Naar het proefschrift

Helmrich, I.R., Prognostic research: Methodological aspects and applications in acute care. [Erasmus University Rotterdam].

  • Supervisor(s): Steyerberg, E., Lingsma, H.
  • Co-supervisor(s): van Klaveren, D.

Naar het proefschrift

Dupuis, C., Navigating care, wellbeing, and place in later life: Feminist pursuits in aging. [Erasmus University Rotterdam].

  • Supervisor(s): Harcourt, W., Icaza Garza, R.
  • Co-supervisor(s): 

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Williams, R. A model not a prophet: Operationalising patient-level prediction using observational data networks. [Erasmus University Rotterdam].

  • Supervisor(s): Rijnbeek, P. Steyerberg, E.
  • Co-supervisor(s): van Klaveren, D. Reps, J.

Naar het proefschrift

Geest van, S., Thyroid hormone signalling disorders: Enhancing fundamental and clinical understanding and therapy development. [Erasmus University Rotterdam].

  • Supervisor(s): Peeters, R. Visser, E.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Groeneweg, S.

Naar het proefschrift

Begeman, L. Virus ontogeny: How zoonotic viruses interact with their reservoir hosts. [Erasmus University Rotterdam].

  • Supervisor(s): Kuiken, T. Koopmans, M.
  • Co-supervisor(s): 

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Zaim, R. Regulatory and valuation challenges of immune checkpoint inhibitors in lung cancer. [Erasmus University Rotterdam].

  • Supervisor(s): Groot de, C.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Redekop, K.

Naar het proefschrift

Gao, X. Multimodality treatment for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. [Erasmus University Rotterdam].

  • Supervisor(s): Wijnhoven, B
  • Co-supervisor(s): Lanschot van, J.

Naar het proefschrift

Herklots, T. Perspectives on severe maternal morbidity: A case study of Zanzibar & a plea for change. [Erasmus University Rotterdam].

  • Supervisor(s): Franx, A.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Jacod, B. Koster, W.

Naar het proefschrift

Mecheva, Margartia Y. de. Essays on the Economics of the Nutrition Transition in Indonesia. [Erasmus University Rotterdam].

  • Supervisor(s): Bedi, A.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Sparrow, R. Rieger, M.

Naar het proefschrift

Martina, D. Advance care planning in Asia and Indonesia: Cultural perspectives. [Erasmus University Rotterdam].

  • Supervisor(s): Rijt van der, K. Rietjens, J. Heide van der, A.
  • Co-supervisor(s): 

Naar het proefschrift

Ortuño-Gutiérrez, N. Effectiveness of innovative interventions on curbing transmission of Mycobacterium leprae. [Erasmus University Rotterdam].

  • Supervisor(s): Richardus, J. H. Hasker, E.
  • Co-supervisor(s): 

Naar het proefschrift

Neumann-Böhme, S. Preference and perceptions: Studies in behavioural health economics. [Erasmus University Rotterdam].

  • Supervisor(s): Brouwer, W. Attema, A.
  • Co-supervisor(s): 

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Li, P. Tackling emerging viral diseases with epidemic potential. [Erasmus University Rotterdam].

  • Supervisor(s): Peppelenbosch, M. Man de, R.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Pan, Q. A.

Naar het proefschrift

Meun, C. Polycystic ovary syndrome: Longitudinal follow-up of treatment outcome and long term health. [Erasmus University Rotterdam].

  • Supervisor(s): Laven, J. Fauser, BCJM.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Louwers, Y. Kavousi, M.

Naar het proefschrift

IJzerman, N. GIST and angiosarcoma: A personalised treatment of two sarcoma subtypes. [Erasmus University Rotterdam].

  • Supervisor(s): Mathijssen, R.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Steeghs, N.

Naar het proefschrift

Nyuykonge, B. Diagnosing and monitoring drug response in madurella mycetomatis, the most common causative agent of eumycetoma. [Erasmus University Rotterdam].

  • Supervisor(s): Verbon, A.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Sande van de, W.

Naar het proefschrift

Baede, V. Towards a better understanding of the epidemiological success of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. [Erasmus University Rotterdam].

  • Supervisor(s): Vos, M
  • Co-supervisor(s):Wamel van, W.

Naar het proefschrift

Jansen, E. Cervical cancer screening and HPV vaccination: Improvements by use of the health policy cycle. [Erasmus University Rotterdam].

  • Supervisor(s): Koning de, H.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Kok de, U.

Naar het proefschrift

Bulstra, C. The last decade of HIV? Reaching sustainable HIV control through improved epidemiological understanding and health systems innovations. [Erasmus University Rotterdam].

  • Supervisor(s): Vlas de, S.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Hontelez, J.

Naar het proefschrift

Verboon, C. Guillain-Barré syndrome in the real world: Observational studies of clinical and treatment dilemmas. [Erasmus University Rotterdam].

  • Supervisor(s): Jacobs, B.C.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Doorn van, P.

Naar het proefschrift

Zhang, K. Screening for prostate cancer: The Chinese perspective. [Erasmus University Rotterdam].

  • Supervisor(s): Roobol, M.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Venderbos, L.

Naar het proefschrift

Noordzij, M. Urban environments, physical activity, and mental well-being: Towards age-friendly cities in Europe. [Erasmus University Rotterdam].

  • Supervisor(s): Lenthe van, F.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Beenackers, M.

Naar het proefschrift

Ji, Y. Emerging viral infections in vulnerable populations: Epidemiology and mathematical modeling. [Erasmus University Rotterdam].

  • Supervisor(s): Peppelenbosch, M.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Pan, Q. A.

Naar het proefschrift

Wismans, A. Behavioural Insights from the COVID-19 Pandemic: Studies on Compliance, Vaccination, and Entrepreneurship. [Erasmus University Rotterdam].

  • Supervisor(s): Thurik, R.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Franken, I.

Naar het proefschrift

Sikkema, R. Preparing for emerging zoonotic viruses: Assessing public health risks of emerging viruses at the human-animal interface. [Erasmus University Rotterdam].

  • Supervisor(s): Koopmans, M. Heederik, D. J. J.
  • Co-supervisor(s): 

Naar het proefschrift

Lunteren, A. From disparity to potential: Nutritional and social determinants of children's oral health. [Erasmus University Rotterdam].

  • Supervisor(s): Wolvius, E.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Kragt, L.

Naar het proefschrift

Francisca-Pieterman, R. Investigating additional risk minimisation measures for medicines in the European Union. [Erasmus University Rotterdam].

  • Supervisor(s): Sturkenboom, MCJM.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Straus, SMJM. Zomerdijk, I.

Naar het proefschrift

Doets, A. Regional variation in diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of Guillain-Barré syndrome. [Erasmus University Rotterdam].

  • Supervisor(s): Jacobs, B.C. Lingsma, H.
  • Co-supervisor(s): 

Naar het proefschrift

Rick, T. Patterns of cobalt radiotherapy in Ethiopia. [Erasmus University Rotterdam].

  • Supervisor(s): Incrocci, L.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Heemsbergen, W.

Naar het proefschrift

Caliendo, V. Pathogenesis and epidemiology of the Goose/Guangdong lineage of highly pathogenic avian influenza in wild birds. [Erasmus University Rotterdam].

  • Supervisor(s): Kuiken, T. Fouchier, R.
  • Co-supervisor(s): 

Naar het proefschrift

Neicun, J.. A three-level drug epidemiology of novel psychoactive substances use and health-related harms from an international perspective. [Maastricht University].

  • Supervisor(s): Czabanowska, K.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Roman-Urrestarazu, A.

Naar het proefschrift

Yadessa Tegene Woldie, Chronic comorbidity among adult people living with HIV in Ethiopia: Prevalence, incidence, predictors and self-management. [Maastricht University].

  • Supervisor(s): Spigt, M.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Mengesha, S.

Naar het proefschrift

Abdulrahman B.O. Mohamed, Contribution of genetic and environmental factors to a prothrombotic phenotype in native saudi population with a focus on thrombin generation. [Maastricht University].

  • Supervisor(s): Cate ten, H., Laat de, B.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Ninivaggi, M.

Naar het proefschrift

Sandipana Pati, Diabetes mellitus and comorbidity: Studies in indian primary healthcare. diabetes in indian primary care. [Maastricht University].

  • Supervisor(s):Burgers, J., Schellevis, F.G., Akker van den, M.
  • Co-supervisor(s): 

Naar het proefschrift

Jalal Dahham, Economic burden of multiple sclerosis in low- and middle-income countries: a case study from Lebanon. [Maastricht University].

  • Supervisor(s): Evers, S., Hiligsmann, M.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Rizk, R., Kremer, I.

Naar het proefschrift

Solovei, A. Discussing alcohol: strategies and return-on-investment of implementing alcohol measurement and brief advice in Latin America. [Maastricht University].

  • Supervisor(s): Hein de, Vries.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Mercken, L., Jané-Llopis, E.

Naar het proefschrift

Mohammed Hussein, Evidence on hospital accreditation to leverage its prospects for improvement: the case of Saudi Arabia [Maastricht University].

  • Supervisor(s): Groot, W., Pavlova, M
  • Co-supervisor(s): 

Naar het proefschrift

Tina Rawal, Impact of a comprehensive multi-component health literacy module on dietary and physical activity patterns of adolescents studying in schools of Delhi, India. [Maastricht University].

  • Supervisor(s): Schayck van C., Muris, J.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Arora, M., Tandon, N.

Naar het proefschrift

Susan Elizabeth Green. Health Impact Assessment (HIA) as a tool to mobilise ‘Health in All Policies’. [Maastricht University].

  • Supervisor(s): Brand, H., Clemens, T.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Dyakova, M.

Naar het proefschrift

Pragati Bhaskar Hebbar. Implementation of tobacco control policies in India: a realist evaluation. [Maastricht University].

  • Supervisor(s): Nagelhout, G., Schayck van, C.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Babu, G.R., Bhojani, U.

Naar het proefschrift

Megha Thakur. Low-smoke chulha and health consequences in Indian slums. [Maastricht University].

  • Supervisor(s): Schayck van, C., Babu, Giridhara R.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Winkens, B.

Naar het proefschrift

Fatma Bashir Abulgasem Mokhtar. Intestinal cholesterol absorption in humans: focus on genetic variation and molecular pathways. [Maastricht University].

  • Supervisor(s): Mensink, R., Plat, J,
  • Co-supervisor(s): 

Naar het proefschrift

Sanghamitra Pati. Occurrence, determinants and outcomes of multimorbidity in primary care: the Indian landscape. [Maastricht University].

  • Supervisor(s): Akker van den, M., Knottnerus, A., Metsemakers, Job F.M.
  • Co-supervisor(s): 

Naar het proefschrift

Estera Wieczorek. Organizational and financial aspects affecting care transitions in long-term care systems: analysis of selected European countries. [Maastricht University].

  • Supervisor(s): Evers, S., Sowada, C.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Kocot, E., Pavlova, M.

Naar het proefschrift

Meena Putturaj. Patient rights implementation in health facilities in Karnataka, India: a critical perspective on governance. [Maastricht University].

  • Supervisor(s):Krumeich, J., Engel, N.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Belle van, S., Nuggehalli Srinivas, Prashanth.

Naar het proefschrift

Priscilla Yeye Adumoah Attafuah. Quality of life, health and social needs of slum-dwelling older adults in Ghana. [Maastricht University].

  • Supervisor(s): Schols, J., Lohrmann, C.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Everink, I., Abuosi, A.A.

Naar het proefschrift

Daša Kokole. Scaling up alcohol prevention in primary health care: exploring factors influencing alcohol screening in Colombia, Mexico and Peru. [Maastricht University].

  • Supervisor(s): Vries de, H.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Jané-Llopis, E., Mercken, L.

Naar het proefschrift

Julia Nadine Doetsch. The impact of the great recession and fiscal policy on the effectiveness and accessibility of the Portuguese public national health service and its most vulnerable users: demand for the improvement of healthcare system’s resilience in light of upcoming crisis events [Maastricht University].

  • Supervisor(s): De Barros, José Henrique Dias Pinto., Krafft, T., Townend, D.
  • Co-supervisor(s): 

Naar het proefschrift

A Meidian Ambari. Management of Rheumatic heart disease in low-to-middle-income country. [Utrecht University].

  • Supervisor(s): Doevendans, P., Setianto, B., Santoso, A.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Cramer, M. J.

Naar het proefschrift

K Adu-Bonsaffoh. Respectful Maternity Care: Optimizing the quality of care for women with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in Ghana. [Utrecht University].

  • Supervisor(s): Grobbee, R., Franx, A.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Browne, J., Ansah, E.

Naar het proefschrift

Reuben Mutagaywa. Rheumatic heart disease in Tanzania: insight in clinical aspects and outcome. [Utrecht University].

  • Supervisor(s): Chamuleau, S., Kamuhabwa, A.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Chillo, P., Cramer, MJ.

Naar het proefschrift

Roberta Lamptey. Structured diabetes self-management education and glycaemic control in low resource urban primary care settings. [Utrecht University].

  • Supervisor(s): Grobbee, R., Klipstein-Grobusch, K.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Amoakoh-Coleman, M.

Naar het proefschrift

C.G.R. Muusse. Crisis, what crisis? A multi-sited ethnography of community mental health care around a psychiatric crisis in Trieste and Utrecht. [DAmsterdam UMC].

  • Supervisor(s): Pols, J., Kroon, D.  
  • Co-supervisor(s): Mulder, C. L.

Naar het proefschrift

Amalia Muhaimin. A cross cultural journey through ethics education: Medical ethics teaching during the clerkship in Indonesia and the Netherlands. [Amsterdam UMC].

  • Supervisor(s): Willems, D., Utarini, A.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Hoogsteyns, M.

Naar het proefschrift

R. Boenink. An overview of international differences and time trends in the epidemiology and outcomes of dialysis and kidney transplantation in Europe. [Amsterdam UMC].

  • Supervisor(s): Jager, K., Kramer, A
  • Co-supervisor(s): Stel, V.

Naar het proefschrift

F.I. Mulder. Cancer-associated thrombosis: Insights in epidemiology, treatment, prediction and prevention. [Amsterdam UMC].

  • Supervisor(s): Kamphuisen, P.W., Middeldorp, S.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Es van, N., Buller, H.

Naar het proefschrift

L. Valerio. Cardiovascular risk and the endothelial glycocalyx in multi-ethnic populations. [Amsterdam UMC].

  • Supervisor(s): Peters, R.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Pinto - Sietsma, Sara-Joan,

Naar het proefschrift

E.A. Verberne. Dutch Caribbean genetics: Diagnostics of congenital anomalies and genetic disorders in small island communities. [Amsterdam UMC].

  • Supervisor(s):Mannens, M.
  • Co-supervisor(s):Haelst, Mieke M. van, Ecury-Goossen, Ginette,

Naar het proefschrift

F.W. Overbosch. Dutch travelers in the global village: The rise and fall of travel-related infectious diseases. [Amsterdam UMC].

  • Supervisor(s): Prins, M.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Sonder, G.

Naar het proefschrift

S. Kroeze. HIV-related immune dysregulation during antiretroviral therapy in sub-Saharan Africa. [Amsterdam UMC].

  • Supervisor(s): Rinke de Wit, T.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Hamers, R., Kootstra, N.

Naar het proefschrift

F. Ginting. Improving empirical antibiotic treatment: The role of diagnostic accuracy and surveillance. [Amsterdam UMC].

  • Supervisor(s): Leth van, F., Schultsz, C.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Jong de, M., Kusumawati, R. Lia

Naar het proefschrift

Anke Carla Heitkamp. Maternal Deaths, Near misses and Great saves: Severe Maternal Outcomes in Metro East, Western Cape Province, South Africa. [Amsterdam UMC].

  • Supervisor(s): Vries de, H., Theron, G.B.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Roosmalen van, J., Akker van den, T.H.

Naar het proefschrift

S.G.L.H. Nijbroek. Lung–protective ventilation in the intensive care unit and operating room. [Amsterdam UMC].

  • Supervisor(s): Hollmann, M., Schultz, M.
  • Co-supervisor(s): 

Naar het proefschrift

Bayode Romeo Adegbite. Reducing the burden of tuberculosis and sepsis in Gabon: Clinical and epidemiological investigations for improved control. [Amsterdam UMC].

  • Supervisor(s): Grobusch, M., Adegnika, Akim Ayola.
  • Co-supervisor(s): 

Naar het proefschrift

A.K. Sugianli. Strengthening antimicrobial resistance surveillance in Indonesia: Strategies for surveillance of uropathogens. [Amsterdam UMC].

  • Supervisor(s):Schultsz, C., Parwati, I.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Leth van, F., Jong de, M.

Naar het proefschrift

Eva van der Linden. Epidemiology and epigenetics of cardiovascular risk in African migrants. [Amsterdam UMC].

  • Supervisor(s): Agyemang, Charles., Born van den, Bert-Jan H
  • Co-supervisor(s): Henneman, P.

Naar het proefschrift

A.H. Sohn. The post-pediatric HIV generation in Asia: Adolescent HIV care, treatment, and transitions into adult life. [Amsterdam UMC].

  • Supervisor(s): Ananworanich, J., Reiss, P.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Davies, M., Phanuphak, N.

Naar het proefschrift

C.W. Obiero. Sepsis and meningitis in neonates and young children: Causes, clinical signs and treatment. [Amsterdam UMC].

  • Supervisor(s): Boele van Hensbroek, M., Berkley, James Alexander.
  • Co-supervisor(s): 

Naar het proefschrift

T.J. Roodsant. Switching hosts: Understanding the zoonotic potential of Streptococcus suis. [Amsterdam UMC].

  • Supervisor(s): Schultsz, C.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Ark van der, C. H

Naar het proefschrift

Muhammad Asrullah. Anaemia and its relation to physical and mental health of Indonesian adolescents. [Wageningen University].

  • Supervisor(s): Feskens, E.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Melse-Boonstra, A., L’Hoir, M.

Naar het proefschrift

Kehinde Adeosun. Provisioning healthy and diverse foods to the urban poor in Nigeria: A practice-based perspective on informal ready-to-eat food vending. [Wageningen University].

  • Supervisor(s): Oosterveer, P.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Greene, M.

Naar het proefschrift

Adedotun Joshua Owolabi. The effects of multi-nutrient fortified dairy-based formulas on growth, anaemia, and micronutrient status in Nigerian late preterm infants and moderately malnourished toddler. [Wageningen University].

  • Supervisor(s): Feskens, E.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Melse-Boonstra, A., Samuel, F., Schaafsma, A.

Naar het proefschrift

T.T.N. Huynh. Including microbial health risk in flood risk assessment: A case study: Ninh Kieu district, Can Tho City in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta. [TU Delft].

  • Supervisor(s): Zevenbergen, C.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Corzo Perez, Gerald A.

Naar het proefschrift

A.A. Onasanya. Designing for Neglected Tropical Diseases: Co-creating digital diagnostic devices for Low-Resource Settings. [TU Delft].

  • Supervisor(s): Diehl, J.C., Engelen van, J.M.L., Oladepo, A.A.
  • Co-supervisor(s): 

Naar het proefschrift

Coronel Teixeira, R.M.G. Titel. [Radboud University Nijmegen].

  • Supervisor(s): 
  • Co-supervisor(s): 

Naar het proefschrift

Achternaam, initialen (jaar). The electronic nose as a possible point of care diagnostic in Tuberculosis. [Radboud University Nijmegen].

  • Supervisor(s): Boeree, M.J.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Magis-Escurra Ibanez, C.

Naar het proefschrift

Boor, S.C. van der. Protection against malaria: Expanding the portfolio of preclinical models and clinical immune interventions. [Radboud University Nijmegen].

  • Supervisor(s): Sauerwein, R.W.
  • Co-supervisor(s): McCall, M.B.B., Yang, A.S.

Naar het proefschrift

Vu Thi Ngoc, B. The Impact of Environment and Antibiotics on Human Gut Microbiota in a Vietnamese Community. [Radboud University Nijmegen].

  • Supervisor(s): Wertheim, H.F.L.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Penders, J., Doorn, H.R. van, Tran, H.H.

Naar het proefschrift

Fitri Riswari, S. Dengue and Chikungunya in Indonesia: novel insights into the epidemiology, diagnosis, and pathophysiology. [Radboud University Nijmegen].

  • Supervisor(s): Ven, A.J.A.M. van der
  • Co-supervisor(s): Alisjahbana, B., Mast, Q. de, Kosasih, H.

Naar het proefschrift

Wiem Lestari, B. Public Health Tools to Improve Tuberculosis Control in Indonesia. [Radboud University Nijmegen].

  • Supervisor(s): Crevel, R., Hill van, P.C.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Alisjahbana, B.

Naar het proefschrift

Schoor, F.R. van de. Diagnostic challenges of Lyme borreliosis. [Radboud University Nijmegen].

  • Supervisor(s): Kullberg, B.J., Joosten, L.A.B., Hovius, J.W.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Wijngaard, C.C. van den

Naar het proefschrift

Musanabaganwa, C. Intergenerational and epigenetic effects of trauma and PTSD following exposure to the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. [Radboud University Nijmegen].

  • Supervisor(s): Roozendaal, B., Hermans, E.J.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Mutesa, L., Jansen, S.C.J.

Naar het proefschrift

Jager, M.J. Cultural competency in dietetic care. [Radboud University Nijmegen].

  • Supervisor(s): Muijsenbergh, M.E.T.C. van den 
  • Co-supervisor(s): Sande, R. van der, Leij-Halfwerk, S.

Naar het proefschrift

Rulisa, A. Towards malaria-free rice cultivation in Rwanda: Exploring the role of local contributions. [Radboud University Nijmegen].

  • Supervisor(s): Koch, D.J.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Kempen, L.A.C.M. van

Naar het proefschrift

Koesoemadinata, R.C. Tuberculosis and diabetes; towards better screening and outcomes. [Radboud University Nijmegen].

  • Supervisor(s): Crevel, R., Hill van, P.C.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Alisjahbana, B.

Naar het proefschrift

Garishah, F.M. Novel insights into the pathophysiology of dengue and COVID-19: the role of the immune response, platelets and the endothelium. [Radboud University Nijmegen].

  • Supervisor(s): Ven, A.J.A.M., Gasem, van der, M.H.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Mast de, Q.

Naar het proefschrift

Driessche, K.S.J. Vanden. Prevention of tuberculosis and other airborne transmitted infectious diseases: from clinical and laboratory research to education. [Radboud University Nijmegen].

  • Supervisor(s): Groot, R., Theron, de, G.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Jonge de, M.I.

Naar het proefschrift


  • Supervisor(s): Ven, A.J.A.M., Gasem, van der M.H.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Mast de, Q., Matzaraki, V.

Naar het proefschrift

Da Silva Tavares Duarte, D.J. Pharmaceuticals, toxicity and antimicrobial resistance: Advancing human health and environmental risk assessment. . [Radboud University Nijmegen].

  • Supervisor(s): Ragas, A.M.J.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Oldenkamp, R.

Naar het proefschrift

P.M.E.N. Bogaert. Supporting health information systems: The European perspective [Tilburg University].

  • Supervisor(s): Oers van, H., Oyen van, H.
  • Co-supervisor(s): Verschuuren, M.

Naar het proefschrift


Nguyen, H.V. (2022). Tuberculosis in Vietnam: New and renewed insights. [Dissertation, University of Amsterdam]. UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository).

  • Supervisor(s): F.G.J. Cobelens
  • Co-supervisor(s): E.W. Tiemersma; B.H. Nguyen 

Naar het proefschrift

Kawous, R. (2022). Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting in the Netherlands. [Dissertation, Erasmus University Rotterdam]. Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR).

  • Supervisor(s): L. Burdorf; M.E.T.C. Muijsenbergh 

Naar het proefschrift


Van de Beek, M. (2022). Mental health problems in Moroccan-Dutch people: a mixed-methods study into social determinants, experiences and explanations. [Dissertation, University of Groningen]. University of Groningen. 10.33612/diss.249982847.

  • Supervisor(s): R.A. Schoevers; W.A. Veling
  • Co-supervisor(s): J.A.J. van der Krieke 

Naar het proefschrift  

Abd-Elfarag, G.O.E. (2022). Nodding syndrome: The puzzle of tropical diseases in sub-Saharan Africa. [Dissertation, University of Amsterdam]. UvA- DARE (Digital Academic Repository).

  • Supervisor(s): M. Boele van Hensbroek
  • Co-supervisor(s): E.J.J. Rood; M.B. Sebit

Naar het proefschrift


Willemse, N. (2022). Zoonotic potential and virulence of Streptococcus suis. [Dissertation, University of Amsterdam]. UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository).

  • Supervisor(s): C. Schultsz
  • Co-supervisor(s): A. van der Ende; H.E. Smith

Naar het proefschrift


Lenglet, A. D. (2022). Connecting the dots: challenges and solutions for antimicrobial resistance in neonates and children in humanitarian settings. [Dissertation, Radboud University Nijmegen]. Radboud Repository of the Radboud University Nijmegen.

  • Supervisor(s): H.F.L. Wertheim
  • Co-supervisor(s): J. Hopman

Naar het proefschrift

Van der Putten, B. (2022). Using genomics to understand the global spread of Escherichia coli and antimicrobial resistance. [Dissertation, University of Amsterdam]. UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository).

  • Supervisor(s): C. Schultsz
  • Co-supervisor(s): A. van der Ende; D.R. Mende

Naar het proefschrift


Jaya, I. G. N. M. (2022). Bayesian Spatiotemporal Modeling and Mapping of Infectious Diseases: Methodology and Applications to Dengue Disease in Bandung City and Covid-19 in West Java, Indonesia. [Dissertation, University of Groningen]. University of Groningen, 10.33612/diss.206632600.

  • Supervisor(s): L. van Wissen
  • Co-supervisor(s): H. Folmer

Naar het proefschrift


Ohene, S. A. (2022). Assessing components of the TB care cascade in Ghana. [Dissertation, University of Amsterdam]. UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository).

  • Supervisor(s): P.R. Klatser
  • Co-supervisor(s): M.I. Bakker

Naar het proefschrift


Zhang, X. (2022). Frailty among older adults in the community: insight in the complexity of frailty. [Dissertation, University of Groningen]. University of Groningen. https://doi.org/10.33612/diss.211249810.

  • Supervisor(s): C. van der Schans
  • Co-supervisor(s): H. Hobbelen; W. Krijnen

Naar het proefschrift


Cheung, S. L. (2022). Family, health, and wellbeing: the lives of Chinese immigrants in the Netherlands. [Dissertation, University of Groningen]. University of Groningen. 10.33612/diss.208580741.

  • Supervisor(s): C. van der Schans
  • Co-supervisor(s): H. Hobbelen; W. Krijnen

Naar het proefschrift


Uccheddu, D. (2022). Gender inequalities in health at older ages: A longitudinal and comparative investigation across European countries. [Dissertation, University of Groningen]. University of Groningen.10.33612/diss.203462383.

  • Supervisor(s): A. Gauthier; N. Steverink
  • Co-supervisor(s): T. Emery

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Tabyshova, A. (2022). Prevalence, socio-economic burden and pharmacologic treatment of COPD in Kyrgyzstan. [Dissertation, University of Groningen]. University of Groningen. 10.33612/diss.204133976.

  • Supervisor(s): M. Postma
  • Co-supervisor(s): N. H. Chavannes; J. van Boven

Naar het proefschrift


Dagne, A. (2022). Health-economics of vaccines in Ethiopia: equity considerations and cost-effectiveness analysis. [Dissertation, University of Groningen]. University of Groningen. 10.33612/diss.206070529.

  • Supervisor(s): M. Postma
  • Co-supervisor(s): R. van Hulst

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Okere, N.E. (2022). Differentiated service delivery in HIV care and treatment: An exploration of sustainability and impact from patients' and providers' perspectives. [Dissertation, University of Amsterdam]. UvA-DARE(Digital Academic Repository).

  • Supervisor(s): T.F. Rinke de Wit; D. Naniche
  • Co-supervisor(s): G.B. Gomez Guillen; S.M. Hermans

Naar het proefschrift


Verboeket, S.O. (2022). Disentangling health risks for people ageing with – or whilst at risk of acquiring – HIV in the Netherlands: Living with a legacy. [Dissertation, University of Amsterdam]. UvA-DARE (Digital AcademicRepository).

  • Supervisor(s): P. Reiss; M.F. Schim van der Loeff
  • Co-supervisor(s): F.W.N.M. Wit; A. Boyd

Naar het proefschrift


Agutu, C.A. (2022). Engaging the First 95: Improving Facility-Based HIV Testing in Coastal Kenya. [Dissertation, University of Amsterdam]. UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository).

  • Supervisor(s): T.F. Rinke de Wit; E.J. Sanders
  • Co-supervisor(s): S.M. Graham

Naar het proefschrift


Wang, J. (2022). Breast cancer screening in Europe and China: strategy evaluation and optimization. [Dissertation, University of Groningen]. University of Groningen. 10.33612/diss.195241197.

  • Supervisor(s): T. de Bock; W. Lu
  • Co-supervisor(s): M. Greuter

Naar het proefschrift


Beyuo, T. K. (2022). Optimizing care and patient experience of preeclampsia in low- and middle-income countries – the case of Ghana. [Dissertation, Utrecht University]. UMC Repository. 10.33540/1586.

  • Supervisor(s): K.W.M. Bloemenkamp; D.E. Grobbee
  • Co-supervisor(s): J.L. Browne; M. Amoakoh-Coleman

Naar het proefschrift


Ontiri, S. (2021). Improving Access to Quality Family Planning Services in Kenya by Addressing Contraceptive Discontinuation. [Dissertation, University of Groningen]. University of Groningen.10.33612/diss.194848032.

  • Supervisor(s): J. Stekelenburg
  • Co-supervisor(s): R. Biesma-Blanco; M. Kabuz

Naar het proefschrift


Kimani, M. (2021). Strengthening HIV preventive services for transgender women and men who have sex with men in coastal Kenya. [Dissertation, University of Amsterdam]. UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository).

  • Supervisor(s): T.F. Rinke de Wit; E.J. Sanders
  • Co-supervisor(s): E. van der Elst; D. Operario

Naar het proefschrift


Sheferaw, E. (2021). Improving Respectful Maternity Care in Ethiopia. [Dissertation, University of Groningen]. University of Groningen. 10.33612/diss.182129166.

  • Supervisor(s): J. Stekelenburg; T.H. Van Den Akker
  • Co-supervisor(s): Y.M. Kim

Naar het proefschrift


Hendriks, T.C.C. (2021). Think global, act local: Burn care in a resource-limited setting. [Dissertation, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam]. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

  • Supervisor(s): P.P.M. Van Zuijlen; M.G. Mullender
  • Co-supervisor(s): M.K. Nieuwenhuis; H.A.H. Winters

Naar het proefschrift


Botman, M. (2021). Beyond short-term surgical missions: On the role of surgeons from high-income settings to help improve surgical care in resource-limited settings. [Dissertation, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam]. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

  • Supervisor(s): P.P.M. Van Zuijlen
  • Co-supervisor(s): H.A.H. Winters; M.E.H. Jaspers; M.K. Nieuwenhuis

Naar het proefschrift


Chan, Y.C.P. (2021). Characterizing the neurological impact of acute HIV infection and its outcomes after immediate initiation of antiretroviral therapy. [Dissertation, University of Amsterdam]. UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository).

  • Supervisor(s): J. Ananworanich; S. Spudich
  • Co-supervisor(s): P. Reiss; V. Valcour

Naar het proefschrift


Chilunga, F.P. (2021). Beyond the traditional risk factors for cardiometabolic diseases among transitioning African populations: An investigation into novel epidemiological and epigenetic factors. [Dissertation, University of Amsterdam]. UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository).

  • Supervisor(s): C.O. Agyemang; A. Requena Méndez
  • Co-supervisor(s): M.M.A.M. Mannens; P. Henneman

Naar het proefschrift

Roggeveen, Y. (2021). Innovative partnerships for Safe Motherhood: participation and transdisciplinary collaboration as tools towards increasing skilled birth attendance. [Dissertation, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam]. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

  • Supervisor(s): F. Scheele; J.J.M. van Roosmalen
  • Co-supervisor(s): J.M. Hatfield; M.B.M. Zweekhorst

Naar het proefschrift


Rai, S.S. (2021). Exploring the Dimensions of Health-related Stigma: Insights from narratives of people with stigmatized health conditions in Indonesia. [Dissertation, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam]. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

  • Supervisor(s): M.B.M. Zweekhorst; D. Naniche
  • Co-supervisor(s): E. Syurina; R. Peters

Naar het proefschrift


Maina, J.M. (2021). Infection prevention and control and antibiotic stewardship: Two sides of the same coin in the prevention of antimicrobial resistance. [Dissertation, University of Amsterdam]. UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository).

  • Supervisor(s): C. Schultsz; M. English
  • Co-supervisor(s): O. Tosas Auguet; J. McKnight

Naar het proefschrift


Oliwa, J.N. (2021). Unmasking the hidden epidemic: The process of theory-guided intervention design to improve case detection of tuberculosis in hospitalised children in Kenya. [Dissertation, University of Amsterdam]. UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository).

  • Supervisor(s): M. Boele van Hensbroek; M. English
  • Co-supervisor(s): A.H. van 't Hoog; C. Jones

Naar het proefschrift


Housseine, N. (2020). Strategies to improve the quality of foetal monitoring and intrapartum care in high-volume, low-resource maternity units. [Dissertation, Utrecht University]. Utrecht University Repository. 10.33540/263.

  • Supervisor(s): A. Franx; D.E. Grobbee
  • Co-supervisor(s): J.L. Browne; M.J. Rijken

Naar het proefschrift


Kodan, L.R. (2020). Maternal Mortality in Suriname. Implementation of Maternal Death Surveillance and Response to reduce preventable maternal deaths. [Dissertation, Utrecht University]. UMC Repository. 10.33540/374.

  • Supervisor(s): K.W.M. Bloemenkamp
  • Co-supervisor(s): J.L. Browne; M.J. Rijken

Naar het proefschrift


Verscheuren, K.J.C. (2020). Maternal mortality, near-miss and stillbirths in Suriname: Time to Respond. [Dissertation, Utrecht University]. Utrecht University Repository. 10.33540/241.

  • Supervisor(s): K.W.M. Bloemenkamp
  • Co-supervisor(s): J.L. Browne; M.J. Rijken

Naar het proefschrift


Meerstein-Kessel, L. (2020). Plasmodium’s coming out: Bottlenecks of malaria transmission. [Dissertation, Radboud University Nijmegen]. Radboud Repository of the Radboud University Nijmegen.

  • Supervisor(s): J.T. Bousema; M.A. Huijnen

Naar het proefschrift


Riswick, T.G.M.W. (2020). Between rivalry and support: The Impact of Brothers and Sisters on Infant and Child Mortality in the Netherlands (1863-1910) and Taiwan (1906-1945). [Dissertation, Radboud University Nijmegen]. Radboud Repository of the Radboud University Nijmegen.

  • Supervisor(s): Th.L.M. Engelen; H.A.J. Bras

Naar het proefschrift


Dijkman, K. (2020). Exploring protective and pathogenic immune responses in the non-human primate model of tuberculosis. [Dissertation, Utrecht University]. Utrecht University Repository. 10.33540/401.

  • Supervisor(s): R.E. Bontrop
  • Co-supervisor(s): F.A.W. Verreck

Naar het proefschrift


Kuijpers, T. G. (2020). Tobacco control policymaking in Europe: A tug of war. [Dissertation, Maastricht University]. Maastricht University. 10.26481/dis.20200417tk.

  • Supervisor(s): M. Willemsen; A.E. Kunst 

Naar het proefschrift


Tichelman, E. (2020). Mother-to-infant bonding: determinants and impact on child development: Challenges for maternal health care. [Dissertation, University of Groningen]. University of Groningen. 10.33612/diss.132367897.

  • Supervisor(s): M. Berger; F.G. Schellevis
  • Co-supervisor(s): H. Burger

Naar het proefschrift


Noort, A. (2020). The healthcare purchaser as a care chain orchestrator: Healthcare system limitations and opportunities. [Dissertation, University of Groningen]. University of Groningen. 10.33612/diss.133147906.

  • Supervisor(s): K. Ahaus; T. van der Vaart

Naar het proefschrift


Lu, C. (2020). Physical Activity and Health in Dutch and Chinese Children. [Dissertation, University of Groningen]. University of Groningen. 10.33612/diss.131752838.

  • Supervisor(s): E. Corpeleijn; R. Stolk

Naar het proefschrift


Mooij, R. (2020). Improving quality of maternal and perinatal care in rural Tanzania: Safe Motherhood. [Dissertation, University of Groningen]. University of Groningen. University of Groningen. 10.33612/diss.131176661.

  • Supervisor(s): J. Stekelenburg
  • Co-supervisor(s): J. van Dillen

Naar het proefschrift


Tiwari, A. (2020). Leprosy Post-Exposure Prophylaxis with Single-dose Rifampicin Health economic aspects in India. [Dissertation, Erasmus University Rotterdam]. Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR).

  • Supervisor(s): J.H. Richardus
  • Co-supervisor(s): D. Blok

Naar het proefschrift


Kaguthi, G. (2020). New Tuberculosis Vaccine Trials in Infants: design, diagnostics and trial site development. [Dissertation, Erasmus University Rotterdam]. Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR).

  • Supervisor(s): J.H. Richardus
  • Co-supervisor(s): J. de Steenwinkel

Naar het proefschrift


Ng, K.C.S. (2020). Utilization of molecular resistance test results as tools to support public health efforts for improved control of rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis. [Dissertation, University of Amsterdam]. UvA-DARE(Digital Academic Repository).

  • Supervisor(s): F.G.J. Cobelens; J. Gonzales Martin
  • Co-supervisor(s): F.C.M. van Leth; B.C. de Jong

Naar het proefschrift


Mwingira, V.S. (2020). Olfactory mediation of oviposition in Anopheles mosquitoes: A new strategy for malaria vector control. [Dissertation, Wageningen University]. Wageningen University. 10.18174/518498.

  • Supervisor(s): W. Takken; M. Dicke
  • Co-supervisor(s): L.E.G. Mboera

Naar het proefschrift

Been, S. (2020). HIV Treatment Adherence and Adherence Improving Interventions among Migrants Living with HIV in the Netherlands. [Dissertation, Erasmus University Rotterdam]. Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR).

  • Supervisor(s): A. Verbon
  • Co-supervisor(s): S.E. Stutterheim

Naar het proefschrift


Ansari, N. (2019). Quality of maternal and newborn health care in health facilities in Afghanistan. [Dissertation, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam]. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

  •  Promotors: J. Stekelenburg; Y.M. Kim
  •  Co-promotors: J.J.M Roosmalen; H. Tappis

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