Planetery health

Planetary Health at Kenniscentrum Global Health

Welcome to the Knowledge Centre for Global Health (KCGH) page on Planetary Health. Our strategic focus on planetary health and health equity underscores their significance for shaping a robust and resilient future. This page serves as a dynamic repository, a collaborative hub where organisations and information converge to address the impacts of human disruptions to Earth's natural systems on global health. Please note that this page is not static; it's a continuously growing repository of knowledge and resources. We invite you to actively participate by sending suggestions to ofni.[antispam] Your insights will contribute to the ongoing evolution of this platform.


ECTMIH Planetary Health Glasses

At the European Conference on Global Health (ECTMIH 2023), we introduced the innovative 'Planetary Health Glasses.' These symbolic glasses represent a transformative perspective, inviting you to view the world through the lens of planetary health. The design was in hands of Planetary Health Impulse Team, UMC Utrecht, and production by KCGH and Studio Sociaal Centraal.logo-phit-blauw-alleen-bril-zonder-naam


What is Planetary Health?

Planetary Health can be defined as a “solutions-oriented, transdisciplinary field and social movement focused on analysing and addressing the impacts of human disruptions to Earth’s natural systems on human health and all life on Earth." – Planetary Health Alliance.

Earth's ecosystems play a crucial role in human, animal, and plant health. Unfortunately, human activities are adversely affecting these systems, resulting in global environmental changes with direct health implications. Vulnerable populations often bear the brunt disproportionately. Planetary health emphasises collaboration beyond disciplines and borders, encompassing arts, civil society, science, and politics working together for a healthier society.


The Importance of Planetary Health for KCGH

KCGH is committed to supporting knowledge exchange in global health. Our strategic priorities include planetary health due to its pivotal role in shaping a healthy future. By connecting healthcare and global health professionals, we aim to make global health knowledge more accessible and applicable in the Dutch healthcare system.



  • Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) (2023): Planetary Health: An emerging field to be developed, Amsterdam. The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences presents a comprehensive report delving into the emerging field of planetary health. This publication identifies knowledge gaps, sheds light on the direct and indirect health effects of environmental changes, and provides a roadmap for progress in addressing these critical issues.


  • The Dutch Journal of Medicine (NTvG) (2023): Planetary Health Special Issue (in Dutch). The Dutch Journal of Medicine (NTvG) explores the intricacies of planetary health in a special issue. Written in Dutch, this edition offers insights into the intersection of human health and the environment, providing a valuable resource for those seeking a deeper understanding in the local context.


  • ViceVersa Special: A special edition dedicated to the topic of Planetary Health, created in collaboration with Vice Versa. Immerse yourself in the dedicated ViceVersa Special edition focused on Planetary Health. Developed in collaboration with Vice Versa, this publication explores diverse perspectives, expert opinions, and innovative solutions related to the critical intersection of human health and environmental well-being.


  • UMC Utrecht (2023) Movie: Planetary Health in 5.50 minutes. Experience the essence of planetary health in a visually captivating 5.50-minute movie created by UMC Utrecht. This cinematic journey provides a concise yet impactful overview, offering insights into the interconnectedness of human health and the health of our planet.


  • Planetary Health Talks - podcast (KCGH) In light (or should we say ‘darkness’) of climate change, the importance of Planetary Health is getting more apparent every day. But how does the change in our natural surrounding influence our health? What are examples of this interconnectedness and what can we do about it? How can we learn from each other across the globe and act together? These are all questions we will discuss together in the Planetary Health Talks podcast, presented by the Knowledge Centre Global Health and hosted by Ashis Brahma, storyteller and forensic medical doctor, co-hosted by Renée Robbers, junior researcher and project officer at Knowledge Centre Global Health.


  • ECTMIH2023 - Planetary Health podcast  During the European Conference on Global Health 2023 in Utrecht, Doris van der Heijden and Ashis Brahma will take you along through and beyond the sessions held in TivoliVredenburg. ECTMIH2023 is all about shaping the future of equitable and sustainable planetary health. Together with speakers, delegates and organisers Ashis and Doris will continue the conversations that started during the conference. Tune in if you want to know more, get inspired or simply enjoy the learnings from ECTMIH2023.


  • NVTG Working Group: Zorg voor Klimaat
    • Delve into the efforts of the NVTG Working Group with their project "Zorg voor Klimaat" (Care for Climate). Zorg voor Klimaat stimulates collaboration within sustainable healthcare to increase knowledge and awareness of the relationship between climate and health. It encourages healthcare providers to commit to a more sustainable healthcare system and persuades policymakers to initiate the transition towards a more environmentally friendly healthcare sector.


  • Elevate Health Course on Planetary Health: Online 10 hrs course covering key aspects of planetary health. Available until January 15th, 2024.
    • Elevate Health, in collaboration with UMC Utrecht, the Asian University for Women, and the Alliance of TU/e, WUR, UU, and UMC Utrecht (EWUU), presents an online course on planetary health. With seven informative chapters, this course offers a comprehensive exploration of planetary health issues, providing a valuable learning experience until January 15th, 2024. Explore topics ranging from introduction to planetary health to practical ways of moving forward. Feel free to share this resource with others who may find it to be of interest.


Kenniscentrum Global Health (KCGH)
Arthur van Schendelstraat 650
3511 MJ Utrecht

KVK 78717590


Kenniscentrum Global Health is opgericht door de NVTG en het OIGT met als doel global health kennis toegankelijk en bruikbaar maken ten behoeve van de Nederlandse gezondheidszorg.

KCGH wordt gesubsidieerd door het ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport.

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