Educational Video: Working Together for Health Equity

The Knowledge Centre Global Health (KCGH), in collaboration with Pharos, has developed an educational video highlighting the impact of social inequality on health. This video serves as a powerful tool for healthcare professionals, students, and anyone committed to fair and accessible healthcare.

The Power of Sharing: Amplifying the Impact

The influence of this educational video grows with each view, every shared moment, and every discussion it sparks. We encourage everyone to share the video within their networks. By doing so, we enhance its impact and foster an informed community.

A Collective Effort Towards a Common Goal

The video’s message is relevant to a wide audience. It not only calls on future healthcare professionals to recognise their role in addressing health inequalities but also urges policymakers, educators, and other stakeholders to take action. Acknowledging the ongoing challenges in ensuring equal health opportunities for all, this video, together with its accompanying educational materials, represents a fundamental step in educating and mobilising a diverse audience towards health equity.

Educational Support Materials

In addition to the video, KCGH and Pharos have developed three educational tools that can be used in educational institutions to complement the video. These materials help to:

  • Increase awareness of the impact of social factors on health;

  • Emphasise the need for a diverse and inclusive healthcare workforce;

  • Inspire action-oriented steps towards change in healthcare.

Integrating this material into curricula and professional development programmes is crucial. It contributes to a deeper understanding of health equity and encourages concrete actions to make healthcare more inclusive and fair.


Maak het verschil! Aandacht voor diversiteit en gezondheidsverschillen in de zorg

Watch the Video and Download Educational Materials

For more information, to watch the video, or to download the educational materials, please visit the following links:

  • Watch the video: Youtube

  • Download educational tools: Click here

If you have any feedback or would like to get further involved, please contact us at Together, we can make a difference in tackling health disparities and work towards a future where everyone has equal opportunities for health and well-being.



Kenniscentrum Global Health (KCGH)
Arthur van Schendelstraat 650
3511 MJ Utrecht

KVK 78717590


The KCGH (Knowledge Centre for Global Health) was established by the NVTG (Netherlands Society for Tropical Medicine and International Health) and the OIGT (Organization for International Health Cooperation) to make global health knowledge accessible and usable for the Dutch healthcare sector. KCGH is subsidised by the Ministry of Health, Welfare, and Sport.

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